War People Farming Kill Alpha Ranch Passive
Soldiers, politicians and the Holy Church all declare war to be an abomination
and yet two global wars were fought in the last century and many conflicts
since, some deliberately escalated. At first glance, it would appear that
war is fought for two reasons defense or conquest. If this holds true
than every military engagement can be quantified as either defensive or
offensive. The problem with attempting to explain every military operation
as either defensive or offensive comes with three major issues. The repetitive
military mistakes and blunders, successive attempts at defending an un-supply-able
position and the full implementation of a physical, psychological and
media (PPM) driven campaign of escalation designed to enrage resistance
and empower an insurgence.
The third factor of war will be termed escalation and this can be explained
as neither defensive nor offensive. At least, not under the current understanding
of strategic warfare, so a new mold must be cast and forged to illustrate
why escalation is politically executed. A defensive or offensive struggle
fits into a rational model of either cultural growth or survival, but
escalation of war is not human, or humanely logical. It would be easy
to say escalation requires more military arms, supplies and weapons, which
it most certainly will, but this is not the only benefit escalation could
provide a country with a closed or locked political system.
Here an investigation must be made to uncover if escalation of warfare,
repetitive military mistakes, successive attempts at defending an un-supply-able
position and the full implementation of a physical, psychological and
media (PPM) driven campaign has a motive that can be delineated. All historical
cases of escalation appear to place more troops into a definable Kill
Zone. Hence, is there a political motive to kill off a countries natural
born and military trained warrior population?
War strategy is implemented for three purposes offense, defense and escalation.
Executing war policy for the solely purpose of escalation can only be
explained to increase arms sales and, or kill off soldiers. Every population
produces some natural born warriors; people that are born hunters and
others which are passive gatherers. If the political machine does not
address the hunters or warriors, they will eventually demand to be included
into the political system. This is a major problem for the ruling elite,
which is currently implementing a two part good cop, bad cop political
pyramid scheme.
The two party system in the United States and throughout most proclaimed
democracies feeds off each other in a partnership design to sell the public
a government but to completely control the system and economically repress
the population. The thing about good cop, bad cop politics is you end
up with no cop at all, no justice and no representation. However this
is the true design and function of the current two party political system.
The group that would challenge this system are the hunters, natural born
warriors or fighters, so placing them into a military Kill Zone might
be a political method to maintain control over the society. Therefore
kill alpha and farm passive.
Here and now we will cover repeated, intentional military blunders, which
will include the recurring implementation of the classic "Göring air bridge".
In addition there exists a need to explain the physical, psychological
and media (PPM) driven campaigns, which escalate war. The Iraq Abu Ghraib
prison pictures are a good example to a PPM campaign and the results of
such an event need to be scrutinized. Note to the world, nothing gets
out of a military prison unless it is released by the Red Cross/Crescent
or as an organized planned media campaign. And, the pictures from Abu
Ghraib prison can only be explained through a policy of escalation.
The Creation of the World of Sheeple
Escalation of military war is a strategic political solution to address
the problem of farming its population. What essentially is taking place
is the weeding out of the bad eggs, the strong alpha population, so the
spineless, weak-willed lower class can be economically depressed. This is
not a final solution but a continual solution to a problem that needs to
be addressed for each successive generation. The system is empowered by
the controlling elite and the corruptible, justified by the media and heroized
by bloodless John Wayne type movies.
Every society produces four classes of people a wealthy ruling elite class,
determined to maintain control. Next, a small educated group that empowers
the ruling elite and provides substandard education and a phony media,
twisted with Homeric and Sacrificial messages. The last two classes of
people come from the main population and include the sheeple slave working
class and warriors. War is designed, negotiated and implemented with the
sole purpose of purging the warrior class, the ones who would, and will
challenge the ruling elite for part ownership in the government. The following
justification will be based on physical evidence. Wars and conflicts will
be researched to confirm that the world's political systems maintain control
through Genocide, intentionally farming a distinct population class.
Example 1 WWI
World War I occurred between 1914 and 1918 and was sold as the War to End
All Wars. The event involved a global military conflict that entangled the
majority of the world's largest political powers. The war assembled into
two opposing alliances the Allied Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance.
More than 70 million military personnel were mobilized in the largest wars
in recorded history. The main opponents descended into a state of total
war, thrusting their entire scientific and industrial capabilities into
the war effort. More than 15 million people were killed, making it one of
the deadliest conflicts in history.
At the end of WWI just one hour from the ceasefire the USA and British
military sent waves of troops on frontal assaults of fortified German
machine gun posts entrenched in the high ground or separated by cold rivers.
The official number of dead of the final day cannot be trusted but are
listed as 3,000 Americans and 2,000 British Common Wealth soldiers. These
warriors died in the last hours of WWI even though every commander knew
the war would be over that day. In fact one account has German soldiers
that were manning the machine guns, pleading with the attacking Allied
Powers soldiers to stop, for the war is about to end.
"The Last Day of World War One" was presented as a Timewatch series by
the BBC where Michael Edward Palin tells the story of how the First World
War ends and covers the final casualties. At 5:10 am 11th, 11, 1918 the
two parties signed the Armistead and the news was sent around the world;
hostilities would cease at 11:00 am.
Michael Palin explains that nearly 11,000 soldiers died that final day
before the 11am Armistice. This number does not include the deaths caused
that day from received injuries. World War One had a whole generation
of men just disappearing, the numbers are shocking, the cemeteries in
northern France unbearably moving. The soldiers in France are buried in
rank and file, and walking between the graves, provides a feeling of being
in the middle of a dead army.
The deaths which occurred on the last days of World War One cannot be explained
as having an offensive or defensive aim. Here an unnecessary escalation
of war can be unveiled. Although, it cannot be attributed to satisfying
a motive to exclusively increase military arms sales. The only way to explain
sending 11,000 men to their deaths, for no reason on the last day, final
hour and up to the last minutes of World War One is to purge the population
of its trained and battle hardened warriors. Following WWI the American
government was challenged by the surviving veterans, which camped on the
DC State Capital in tent cities and demanded payment of a promised war bonus.
It appears now that the American and British governments had made a correlation
between who will cause them future problems and who needs to be physically
eliminated. The following century continued on the same course, a future
that manipulated created wars as a tool so the ruling elite and corruptible
can sustain, economic and political control.
Example 2 WWII
World War II was a grave yard for the warrior population and took place
over a 6 year period of 1939 to 1945. WWII, or the Second World War was
a global military conflict which tangled most of the world's nations; including
all of the great powers. It was organized into two opposing military alliances:
the Allied and the Axis powers. The war mobilized over 100 million military
personnel, assembling the most widespread war in human history. The major
participants positioned their entire economic, industrial, and scientific
capabilities to service the war effort, in a state of "total war". WWII
erased over seventy million people, whom the majorities were civilians,
making this war the deadliest conflict in human history.
To scrutinize the entire conflict of WWII in one work is impossible but
military tactics were created and repeated over the remaining century
and beyond. The Battle of Stalingrad was completely revolutionary and
would define future military strategy. In the Battle of Stalingrad, Adolf
Hitler declared the German army would never leave the city. Later Soviets
encircled Stalingrad and the head of the Luftwaffe, Hermann Göring insured
he could supply the Sixth Army with an "air bridge". This air supply support
system the "Göring air bridge" would allow the Germans in the city to
fight on while a relief force was assembled.
The Sixth Army was the largest army unit in the world and almost twice
as large as a regular German army unit, it should have been clear that
supplying them by air was futile. The only way any military intelligence
unit would suggest the implementation of a "Göring air bridge" would be
with the sole purpose of creating a Kill Zone, which would entrench their
own soldiers and render them politically obsolete. On February 2, 1943
Stalingrad ended with the surrender of the German Sixth Army. The bell
tolls and 478,741 Soviet and German warriors were killed or were missing
in action.
Example 3 Vietnam the First Indochina War "Viva la France"
The French became involved in a Vietnam War between 1946, until 1954 attempting
to control their Indochinese colonies and trade. The French defense plan
involved a forward operating base "FOB" called Dien Bien Phu, placed deep
in the hills of northwestern Vietnam. The French constructed the base in
the center of an open plain surrounded by mountains on all sides. Dien Bien
Phu, could not be supplied by ground transport and a "Göring air bridge"
was again resurrected.
The French troops dug into Dien Bien Phu with fortified trenches, reminiscent
of World War I warfare. The Vietnamese ,Viet Minh rained anti-aircraft
fire on the air field cutting the supply lines provided by the "Göring
air bridge". Viet Minh artillery made the FOB a Kill Zone designed for
the sole reason to eliminate the warriors from the French society. After
a two-month siege, the garrison was captured and on May 7, 1954 the French
The French involvement in Vietnam had very little to do with French national
soldiers. Most of the hard field war was fought by the French Foreign
Legion which at that time included an extremely large contingency of crack
SS troops. These ardent Nazi's had no place to go or hide in the world
at the end of WWII and joined in droves into the French Foreign Legion.
The French were never planning on granting these X-Nazi's French citizenship
on completion of their service to the Legion, and devised a plan to exterminate
this group.
The plan involved the standard FOB Kill Zone which could only be supplied
by air shipments, hence the resurrection of the classic "Göring air bridge"
transpired. This strategy was taken right out of the pages of the Battle
of Stalingrad and the operation was replicated on the failed German campaign.
To make the FOB completely un-defendable it was placed in a open valley
surrounded by mountains on all sides. This let the Viet Minh dig into
the mountains and shower artillery on the French forces.
Example 4 Vietnam the Second Indochina War "Born in the USA"
The United States became involved in Vietnam from 1959 to 1975 following
the French withdrawal. Fourteen years later during 1968, at the height of
the American Vietnam War, the USA military brass recreates Dien Bien Phu,
along with the classical "Göring air bridge". The name of the US Marine
Corps (forward operating base) FOB is Khe Sanh. At the FOB Khe Sanh, a number
of similarities between Stalingrad and Dien Bien Phu can be made. Although
the Americans did hold some mountain positions, the high ground bases were
sporadic, lightly defended and eventually over run. The primary Khe Sanh
base, just like the French was positioned in an open valley surrounded by
mountains on all sides with a central airfield.
Khe Sanh became encircled with fortified trenches, reminiscent of the
World War I warfare. Together Stalingrad, Dien Bien Phu and now Khe Sanh
could all not be supplied by the ground transport. The timeless "Göring
air bridge" failed due to antiaircraft fire and the landing zone at Khe
Sanh became littered with crashed aircrafts. Artillery hailed down and
Khe Sanh predicatively developed into a Kill Zone, designed to wash the
American population of any natural political leaders or opponents.
The only difference between Stalingrad, Dien Bien Phu and Khe Sanh is
that the Americans military Brass claim to have won the battle, as in
a victory. In addition the American Military provides some statistics
to show they did not make the same mistakes. Here is one of the official
military justifications, "Khe Sanh was much closer to its supply base
than for Dien Bien Phu".
Another official military rationalization states that "at Khe Sanh, the
Americans held the high ground, and their artillery forced the Vietnamese
to use their artillery from a much greater distance". These skewed political
explanations fail to mention that the fourteen year arms race, the Cold
War provided the Vietnamese with better artillery, which could be dug
in on any mountain ridge 10 or even 20 miles away. One forward spotter
with an invention called a portable radio could easily guide or walk the
Vietnamese artillery right down the marines' throats.
The PPM (physical, psychological and media) campaign in Vietnam was also
implemented by using a small military structure called a platoon. The
classic USA army Platoon in design was applied to escalate the Vietnam
confrontation and psychologically empower the resistance. The Platoon
is a small group of young, vicious and murderous gang of rapists and killers
sent out with no leadership to eke out a level of revenge for the loss
of their fellow soldiers, their O' my brothers.
What homicidal actions these Platoons performed were designed at the political
leadership level to not police the population but empower and motivate
the resistance. In the Old Testament following a battle the soldiers were
never permitted back into their village until a rest period of up to a
week. This is a psychological resting period because sending soldiers
into a battle and then into villages is only performed to escalate a conflict.
The Vietnam War was driven by the media and for the first time actual
engagements were experienced firsthand by American families huddled around
their dinner tables and self absorbed by their televisions. It could be
said that the American families themselves became so interested in tracking
the progress of the war it became a drama, with the war playing out as
a soap opera. From the H3onE3 work, hearing of a sacrifice or martyrdom
was determined as a prim evil human instinct. Under human psychological
development hearing of a sacrifice is comforting because it insured at
a primitive level, they were not the victim
To add further insult to injured and disfigured soldiers, a grass roots
media campaign was intentionally implemented that vilified the returning
Vietnam troops. Soldiers returned to jeers, taunts and spitting at the
airports and on public streets. CBS Evening News reported in the 1970's
events of incidences that soldiers were attacked and spit on at the airports.
The seemingly homebrewed hippie, socialist, student movement started as
a grass roots campaign, which was commandeered by the social elite and
utilized to render the returning Vietnam soldiers obsolete. The arriving
soldiers found themselves demoralized both physically and psychologically.
This was the tool used to insure the soldiers would never organize into
a political front, such as the WWI soldiers camping on the State capital.
Example 5 Afghanistan
Afghanistan is a region with a harsh environment maintaining bad agricultural
lands, mountains and high deserts. Any region with extremely harsh ecological
conditions will be home to a brutal, unlawful and nearly inhumane population
subsiding off what can be stolen from each other. These are the bands of
warlords. Religions subsisting in such harsh conditions maintain an extremely
radical interpretation of scripture, and tend to have an external fundamental
component of religious sacrifice.
Unlike Christianity which internalized its sacrificial elements the Muslim
religion is propagated by externalizing its sacrificial component. In
the Koran the external form of sacrifice is called Jihad. Thus a far more
potent tool is built to propagate Islam, than the internal sacrificial
element is in Linear Western Religion. Western religion provides its god
as sacrifices, which is an internal form of sacrifice. This method is
not "as", an attractive growth mechanism and in fact hardly believable.
Since convert or die, is at the fundamental theology of the Muslim sacrificial
element, in time following the continual course, all shall be converted.
The sacrificial element built into the Muslim religion is that powerful,
that potent and well constructed.
Afghanistan British Colonialism and Russian Stupidity
The British attempted three times to colonize Afghanistan, all three failed.
Dr William Brydon was the sole survivor of First Anglo-Afghan War, the invading
British army consisted of 16,500 people, 4,500 military personnel, and over
12,000 civilian camp followers. Safe passage was granted to the British
as they retreated through snowbound mountain passes. The Ghilzai warriors
reneged and the withdrawing British were attacked transiting the gorges
and mountain peaks along the Kabul River between Kabul and Gandama. The
British were finally massacred at the Gandamak pass before reaching the
besieged garrison at Jalalabad. Dr Williams Brydon fled on a horse and never
looked back, surviving the account and memorialized in the Elizabeth Butler
The First Anglo-Afghan War lasted from 1839 to 1842. It was one of the
first major conflicts during the Great Game, the 19th century competition
for power and influence in Central Asia between Great Britain and Russia.
In 1878, the British invaded again, beginning the Second Anglo-Afghan
War. In the late 19th century, Afghanistan became a buffer state in "The
Great Game" played between the British Indian kingdom and Russian Empire.
On August 19, 1919, following the third Anglo-Afghan war, the country
regained full independence from the United Kingdom over its foreign affairs.
The conclusion was Afghanistan had just gained a reputation as a graveyard
for foreign armies.
On December 24, 1979 over 100,000 Soviet troops took part in the invasion
of Afghanistan backed by another one hundred thousand members of the Afghan
Parcham faction militia. The current ruler Amin was killed and replaced
by Babrak Karmal. Soviet occupation of Afghanistan was part of the Cold
War strategy, the United States responded by arming and supporting the
Afghan mujahideen. U.S. support began during the Carter administration,
but increased substantially during the Reagan regime, in which it became
a centerpiece of the so-called Reagan Doctrine. The Soviet occupation
resulted in the deaths of between six hundred thousand to 2 million Afghan
civilians. Soviets withdrew in 1989.
911 the Two Towers and the Two Conspiracies
The 911 incident is no different than Pearl Harbor pre-empt to WWII or the
sinking of the Lusitnia in 1915 the pre-cursor to WWI. To commit hundreds
of thousands of soldiers to war requires a media campaign and an epic event
seems to serve a higher purpose. Leading up to the 911 attack on the world
trade center a few signed appeared that the world's conflicts had brewed
an extremely radical and organized religious element. This means that the
extremely harsh ecological conditions of the Middle East which will naturally
produce a brutal, nearly inhumane population, is now well organized and
technologically advanced. Thanks to the conflicts forged during the Cold
War conflicts and Reagan Doctrine.
In turn both the hard natural conditions along with the war fabricated
an extremely outward progression of the Islamic religion with its fundamental
external component of saintly sacrifice. Loss of family, friends, brothers
and loved ones from the Afghan cold war conflict now organized into an
ideological struggle with defined enemies throughout the world. The organized
and well funded group named Al-Qaeda now targeted both Russia and the
Linear Western Religious Alliance.
Chronicle to the Rise of Terrorism: External Sacrifice
- 1992 first Al-Qaeda's terrorist attack, two bombs detonated in Aden, Yemen.
- 1992 Israeli Embassy destroyed in Buenos Aires. - 1993, Ramzi Yousef used
a truck bomb to attack the World Trade Center in New York City. - 1994 A
small bomb explodes on board Philippine Airlines flight 434. Authorities
found out Ramzi Yousef planted the bomb as a test for future intended terrorist
attacks. - 1995 Bombing of military compound in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. -
1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia. - 1997 Islamic terrorists attack
tourists in Luxor, Egypt. - 1998 Two United States embassies in East African,
Tanzania and Kenya carried out simultaneously. - 1999 Russian apartment
bombings lead Russia into the Second Chechen War. - 2000 Al-Qaeda militants
in Yemen bombed the missile destroyer U.S.S. Cole. - 2000 Jordan bombing
plot of four sites uncovered. - 2000 Ahmed Ressam, plot to bomb Los Angeles
International Airport (LAX). - 2000 Christmas Eve, Indonesia terrorist attack
by Al Qaeda involving coordinated bombs. - 2000 Rizal Day, multiple bombings
around Manila in the Philippines. - 2000 German police foil plot to attack
a cathedral in Strasbourg, France. - Sept 11, 2001 A series of coordinated
Al-Qaeda suicide attacks took place. Terrorists hijacked four commercial
passenger jet airliners. The hijackers intentionally crashed two of the
airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City.
The hijackers crashed a third airliner into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia.
The fourth plane crashed into a field near Shanksville in rural Pennsylvania.
Considering the growing outward progression of an external sacrificial religious
movement prior to September 11, 2001 attacks, a stronger security system
should have been initiated at airports. In fact, the opposite occurred,
less spending for airport security was mandated. Half of all the x-ray and
metal detecting equipment in the airports was broken. The staff which managed
the security at the airports was paid by the lowest bidding contractor.
Most airport security workers received a handsome minimum wage.
Two conspiracies occurred around the 911 events. The first designed into
the USA infrastructure, airport security and lack of controlled immigration.
The second conspiracy can be located in the 911 grassroots media campaign
that swanked a long list of completely false conspiracies. This was performed
for the sole purpose of hiding the structural deficiencies. These structural
failings replicated so closely, the WWII Pearl Harbor incident that they
had to be covered and hidden by a homebrewed yellow journalism campaign.
This means that the 911 media campaign was organized, led and financed
by clandestine government leadership designed to spam the worlds open
media. The internet was utilized and pirated to hide the structural similarities
between 911 and Pearl Harbor. The USA government was supported by a yellow
media journalism campaign, which brewed out of church pews. The commercial
media fed their fire and financing soon followed the grassroots yellow
journalists, which than produced followers outside the church organizations.
The original 911 conspirators groups met at church spaces and connected
funding can all be traced back to churches.
USA in Afghanistan
Following the September 11 2001 attacks the United States launched Operation
Enduring Freedom, a military campaign to destroy the Al-Qaeda terrorist
training camps inside Afghanistan. The U.S. military threatened to overthrow
the Taliban government for refusing to hand over Osama bin Laden and several
Al-Qaeda members. The U.S. made a common cause agreement with the Northern
Alliance, a militia still operating in Afghanistan.
The United States government, military strategists and the commercial
media fully purged of any historical record, suffering from amnesia, unable
to remember the British attempt at imperialism, the soviet crack at conquest,
now sends the American army into the Killing Zone of Afghanistan; the
graveyard of many foreign armies. Exactly how does a military with no
friendly border or coast transport troops and supplies into the mountainous
desolated region of Afghanistan, yeap you got it, a "Göring air bridge"
with the entire country being a FOB and natural Kill Zone. The classic
"Göring air bridge" was established to now supply and fight an entire
WestPoint and all military colleges certainly must teach the fundamental
Nazi strategy to propagate the death of its own natural borne warrior
class. The only group with any backbone willing to physically challenge
the ruling political control continues to be sent into Kill Zones and
forward airbases for their personal destruction. The connection between
who controls these puppet strings goes deep into the dark pits of Fraternal
and Masonic societies which Göring materializes as a chief architect.
Example 6 Iraq War
The Iraq war was also turned into a warrior Kill Zone but utilized a new
method to spiral up the conflict and cut off any possible withdrawal plan.
To escalate the war and insurgence, a media driven psychological campaign
was utilized. Here the USA military arranged a media campaign which released
pictures of torture, homosexual rap and clinical atrocities of the Iraq
civilian population. Essentially nothing escapes a military prison unless
it is intended to be released as a direct political policy.
The most interesting element of the Abu Ghraib prison torture pictures
can be found in the actual pictures. The positions the prisoners were
posed in were far more advanced and explicit then the guards were educated
enough to produce. If anything, here is the proof that the prison guards
were led by a extremely sophisticated intelligence operation and not by
a small group of ruffians. A few pictures even demonstrated Muslim men
assuming the classical crucifixion pose, reminiscent of the Jesus Christ
Passion story. The reaction from the Muslim world was predictable.
So let's examine the Abu Ghraib prison torture pictures for their sophisticated
elements. Multiple pictures of prisoners were photographed with them assuming
position or poses of extreme importance, one being a pyramid and the other
an out stretched eagle / Christ. These structural positions were intended
to represent and replicate the United States great seal, which can be
found on the back of the one dollar bill. The pyramid structure was designed
to represent the Freemason emblem and their handily work. This being the
Temple of Solomon square symbol of the Pi circle secret, here utilized
to repress the free minded educated population. The eagle posture symbolized
the manifestation of Zeus and that the Iraqi people have now had their
Zeus, crucified in the Christian style.
The Abu Ghraib prison pictures were staged and the young uneducated, enlisted
soldiers were tossed into the photos to appear as participants and ring
leaders. The commissioned soldiers were simple puppets used as ponds to
hold the reigns and responsibilities of increasing the conflict. The media
blast of the Abu Ghraib photos caused an escalation of the Iraqi war by
empowering the resistance.This brought soldiers and supplies from throughout
the Muslim world to fight a guerrilla war.
The photos were taken using a camera owned by Cpl. Charles A. Graner .
On January 2004, Specialist Joseph Darby handed over horrific images of
detainee abuse to the Army's Criminal Investigation Command (CID). The
next day, the Army launched a phony criminal investigation with a directive
to only interview to low hanging fruit on the tree. No commanding officers
from the prison were to be interviewed. Three and a half months later,
CBS News and the New Yorker published the photos and stories that introduced
the world to devastating scenes of torture and suffering inside the decrepit
The abu ghraib prison photos caused perhaps the worst US public relations
disaster since the invasion of Iraq. The published photos in 2004 damaged
the image of the United States as it fought an escalating war against
insurgents in Iraq and created a deep resentment throughout the Muslim
world. The photos caused a rapid escalation of the conflict. Prior to
the release of photos February 2004, 19 servicemen were named dead and
reports of 150 wounded, future pull out seemed possible. Following the
media hype and frenzy, by April the number of deaths jumped to 136 with
1214 severely wounded. The death and casualty rate has remained high ever
Example 7 French revolution
Now an understanding has been constructed to the reason why war is implemented,
here we can board the time machine yet again and explain the French Revolution.
The French Revolution was implemented to enlist the warriors from the world's
poor, serf, sheeple population and coerce' them into a Kill Zone. Napoleon
Bonaparte was merely a chess pond, a tool used as a puzzle piece to clean
and clear the natural warriors from society throughout Europe.
Bonaparte was given victory after victory until all the natural born warriors
of Europe were conscribed, enlisted and lumped into one potato sack. This
potato sack was then driven past the supply lines and was annihilated
in the desolate plains of Russia. What potatoes fell out of the Russian
campaign were again, given victory after victory and marched up a steep
hillcrest into a Kill Zone forged at the Battle of Waterloo. This was
the puppet Napoleons last struggle and it ended in 1815, June 18th.
The American Civil War
Slavery is a horrific and demoralizing event in American history but here
we must talk about it in a functional aspect detached from personal feelings.
Only here will you find the Civil war to be a completely unnecessary event
because the industrial revolution was very close to ending the need for
a large untrained labor force. In fact more American Africans slaves died
fighting, during the war than would have otherwise being freed by the industrial
Revolution. Although, a slave should have every right to fight for their
freedom and this can only be commended, historically we will view this war
as unnaturally created
When the American Civil war occurred the Cotton Gin had already been invented
and many other inventions that mechanized farming, by default eliminated
any need for slavery. The modern cotton gin was created by the American
inventor Eli Whitney in 1793 to mechanize the cleaning of cotton. The
invention was granted a patent on March 14, 1794. The gin caused a massive
growth in the production of cotton in the American South. Whereas formerly
this work required a large labor source to hand clean and separate the
fiber from the seeds. The cotton gin revolutionized the process and eliminated
the need of a large worker force.
On some farms slaves were already wielding tubes which sucked cotton bolls
off the plants making the laborious task of picking obsolete. This sort
of machine had been patented since 1859 with tentacle like hoses that
extended from a single vacuum tank, it look rather like an octopus.
Slavery was a tool used by the controlling elite at the beginning of the
industrial revolution to weed out the hunters and warriors from both the
black, tan, red and white population. The system used a yellow journalistic
media campaign to drive up strife, separation and conflict between the
North and South. This was the ground work for the controlling elite to
draw the population's swords into a long war. The term yellow journalism
was invented during this time period and was the tool used to start and
continue the war.Slavery as inhuman or human as it is, was a tool used
to separate the sides and draw warriors into battle. These warriors lined
up in the Napoleonic row, upon row of ducks and they eliminated themselves
from political significance. Warriors tend to use force and not their
intellect to understand, negotiate and solve issues. They grab first at
the guns and the survivor's communicate their accounts to pen and paper.
It is their one weakness, their cross placed above their heads to bear
for a life time. In the eyes of the world a history glorified by war is
easier to justify than outright Genocide.
Now the situation has been made nice and crystal clear and determined
that genocidal social conditioning has been forced on the world's population
through each successive generation, without doubt. The Great finale, overall
climax, prophecy or Revelation has still yet to be played out. The H2onE2
and H3onE3 labor strikes remorselessly at illuminating the human / humane
impasse but, "When a man cannot choose correctly right from wrong, he
ceases to be a man."
The American Holocaust, Dust Bowl, Stock Market Crash,
Great Depression
The Dust Bowl, stock market crash and Great Depression resulted in the
deaths of an estimated 7.5 million Americans. The natural and unnatural
events had one major result, removing millions of Homesteaders, American
Indians and freed slaves off the petroleum rich Great Plains during the
largest oil boom in US history. The first section describes why and how,
the most catastrophic environmental event in human history goes un-narrated
and unknown to most Americans and the world's population, and incorporates
the political, social and religious motives. Section two, will cover an
investigation of the Dust Bowl, the oil rich lands of the Great Plains,
Great Depression, and expose the leaders which forced the incident and
pursuing Holocaust. The third section, will describe how the stock market
was crashed in 1929 and its similarity to the 2008 stock market crash.
The forth section will explore historical events connecting the American
Dust Bowl to a global cooling trend, felt around the world. The conclusion
will involve an exploration into earth's environment, ecosystems and climate
to extract the natural causes of the Dust Bowl.
Section 1
The true and honest account of the American Dust Bowl, Great Depression
and American Holocaust goes un-narrated for political, social and religious
reasons. The two combined events removed life, liberty and justice from
the poor and working poor of the American population. The Dust Bowl occurred
from the natural global effects of a cooling climate termed Glacial Respiration
which mechanisms are outlined in the H2onE2 book. The unnatural events
of the stock market crash and Great Depression was a tool used by the
Robber baron Industrialists to starve homesteaders off the oil rich Great
Plains. The Robber barons included Rockefeller, Vanderbilt and investors
like Andrew Mellon. Following their deaths billions were willed into philanthropist
institutes which fuel endowments, grants and all large nonprofit organizations.
In addition to constructing universities, hospitals, museums and churches
to insure history conceals their personal involvement and prevents the
narration of the American Holocaust. Let's also mention the religious
organizations which received millions in philanthropist capital, essentially
to build churches and keep silent. During 1863 to 1903 the Rockefeller
Foundation donated 43.75% of his charitable funds to building some 357
Churches. Rockefeller also made personal gifts to more than 120 leading
ministers, from 1863 to 1903.
According to the US census statistics, America lost 10 million of its
population from 1931 to 1940. A Russian researcher, Boris Borisov worked
on uncovering the death toll during the American Famine and his estimates
are that 5 million children died of starvation and 2.5 million adults.
This is equal to all the Jews that died during the WWII Holocaust, so
an event equal in magnitude. Boris Borisov describes the movement of the
American population out of the Dust Bowl affected region as a Hunger March.
President Hoover ordered regular military soldiers to crush all social
unrest. A large majority of the population fleeing the Dust Bowl region
headed to California. These Americans were met at the boarder by police
and state national guard who beat them back into the Mojave and Sonoran
Desert. Thirst and starvation was the final outcome. "Bound for Glory",
an autobiography of Woody Guthrie records a striking account of these
events. Besides blocking the roads into California, freight trains were
stopped by police in the most desolated desert regions and the unwanted
refugee passengers were rounded up, beaten and removed of any food, water
or personal identification. They were left to die in the desert as the
train moved on. The Woody Guthrie song "This Train" turns out to be a
eulogy to the victims of these events. "This Train" describes how the
refugees did nothing to deserve the treatment experienced on the American
Death Trains.
This of course was a different time period, social class and ethnic genocide
would never occur in America of the 21st century. Following Hurricane
Katrina 2005, Arthur Lawson, chief of the Gretna, La., police ordered
his officers to block the only escape route for the 35,000 residence trapped
in the Superdome, with no food or palatable water. Four police cruisers
blocked the lanes of the Mississippi River Bridge sealing off the only
escape route from the Superdome. Officers fired shotguns over the fleeing
population, most retreated immediately. Deaths were attributed to the
fact that refugees were unable to breakout. 275,000 homes were lost and
a land grab followed allowing the surrounding French quarter to be washed
of its poor, ethnic residents.
Arthur Lawson was never investigated or tried for humanitarian crimes
or preventing constitutional civil liberties, most likely because he is
a member of a secret society or fraternity like the Freemasons. The Freemasons
and other associated secret fraternities control an unknown but extremely
large portion of the government, military and justice system. It is estimated
that 70% of the local police are Freemasons and nearly all State police
officers. Affiliated secret society members also graduate from the top
Ivy League colleges, and fill all the hierarchy positions in the public
and private sector, including the banking system. The creation of college
Greek fraternities occurred during the period when the Freemason secret
societies became publically condemned, for the murder of William Morgan
in 1826. The University fraternities are a stepping stone into the mainstream
secret organizations, and are set up on the same Masonic traditions and
financed by Robber baron funds. An organized Masonic presence continues
to delete Boris Borisov and the H2onE2 work off Wikipedia, the open source
online encyclopedia. These secret societies hide, delete and destroy the
human record.
The fact is, Rockefeller and Vanderbilt did not kill the 7.5 million Americans
during the Holocaust or continue to remove them from American history,
they financed the event. Similar in respect to Nazi Germany, Hitler did
not operate each gas chamber or oven and drive each train to infamy. The
American Holocaust required a strong arm in the Federal, State and local
governments, military and most importantly the fraternal order of police.
In addition to, both control of the media, charitable organizations and
educational system to distort the truth and continue to control the summery.
The Freemasons are the only organization able and willing to perform this
injustice and remove it from history.
Section 2
The region of the Great Plains extends through the central continent of
the United States, from Canada to Mexico. The Indian Removal Act of 1830
designated the Great Plains as "Permanent Indian Territory". The Kansas-Nebraska
Act was created in 1854 to allow European settlers into the territories
of Kansas and Nebraska. Then came the Homestead Act of 1862, which settled
most of the US Great Plains by Europeans and freed slaves. Settlers could
claim up to 160 acres of unoccupied public land for a nominal fee, given
they would live on the land for five years. The Homestead Act left only
Oklahoma as "Permanent Indian Territory". By 1890, most of the western
Indian tribes agreed to an allotment of 160 acres per Indian man, woman
and child and that all other lands would be opened up to Homesteaders.
The Indian Appropriation Act called the Springer Amendment was then passed
by Congress which authorized European settlers into the oil rich lands
of Oklahoma. It is estimated that by 1900 about 80 million acres had been
distributed. In 1880 the population of the Great Plains was estimated
to be at 800,000; and exploded to 5.6 million by 1930.
On the Great Plains, farmers grew more cotton, wheat, and corn, than the
market was willing to consume or export, and prices fell. Commodity traders
inundated the US east coast industries and markets with European goods
until prices hit rock bottom by the early 1930s. Cotton, one of the staple
crops of the southern Great Plains, for an example, it sold for 36 cents
per pound in 1919, dropped to 18 cents in 1928, then collapsed to a dismal
6 cents per pound in 1931. The Commodities Exchange Act, of 1936, set
forth a regulatory framework to facilitate honest and fair practices for
trading agricultural products. It was designed to stop the manipulation
of commodity exchanges, facilitated by the Robber barons in the 1920s
and 30s. A combination of severe drought and manmade economic depressions
created destitution among the Great Plain farmers. Millions of desperate
people took to the roads, seeking relief in California.
The Dust Bowl physically involved the removal of the surface soil layer
making the land no longer support agriculture or natural vegetation. Once
the topsoil is removed the land loses any agricultural value. The Dust
Bowl effects on the Great Plains were first documented as early as 1911
which included strong winds and an extremely long, cold winter, accompanied
with a drought. These effects were sporadically seen at first and did
not become epidemic to the entire region until 1927. Noted by Woodie Guthrie
song called "Back in Nineteen Twenty-Seven". Throughout north Europe and
Asia, the affects of the Dust Bowl conditions were already being documented.
Food relief was sent to both Europe and Russia prior to the onset of the
American Dust Bowl. These food shipments were organized by a geologist,
Herbert Hoover which would later become the 31st president.
Oil production of Oklahoma began in 1901 and in 1907 Oklahoma became a
state. The northern Texas oil boom initiated with the discovery of the
Electra oil field in Wichita Falls in 1911. Between 1911 and 1920 large
oil fields were discovered in Northern Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas. Texas
oil fields included Ranger, Breckenridge, and Burkburnette. Large fields
in Oklahoma included Cushing, Healdton, Garber, Hewitt, and Burbank. Oil
fields discovered in Kansas included the Augusta and El Dorado. By 1920
56% of the US crude oil was being provided by the midcontinent Great Plains
region. In 1920 Charles N. Gould an Oklahoma state geologist discovered
the largest oil field covering the Texas and Oklahoma panhandles. The
discovery of oil was in the legendary Permian basin rock formation. An
oil rush in the Permian basin began in Mitchell County Texas, with the
completion of the Santa Rita number one well. These oil fields could easily
be tapped by any local homesteader property. Acquisition of all properties
was required in order to secure the financial investment.
The colossal American oil and gas companies including Standard Oil and
Phillips Petroleum developed from their stake in the Permian basin rock
formation. Standard Oil Company was founded by John D. Rockefeller, and
major shareholders, which included most of the Railroad owners. Standard
Oil Company was later named Mobil Oil, and then merged to become ExxonMobil.
Standard Oil made John D. Rockefeller a billionaire and eventually the
richest man in modern history. In 1927 Phillips Petroleum opened its first
Texas refinery and a fueling station in Wichita Kansas. Its stock reached
$32 a share prior to the 1929 Stock market crash and $3 a share following
the crash. During WWII Phillips Petroleum prospered and later it survived
a hostile takeover from T. Boone Pickens.
President Hoover and Secretary of the Treasury Andrew William Mellon were
the primary political figures that orchestrated the holocaust of the 7.5
million Americans. They made the Robber baron industrialists richer with
greater control over every aspect of the public, private, social and the
religious sector. The Robber barons included John D. Rockefeller, Cornelius
Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie, Grenville Dodge, Leland Stanford, and Hopkins
and banking giants such as J. P. Morgan, Andrew William Mellon and media
magnets such as William Randolph Hears. The fact that Andrew Mellon was
a Robber barons and controlled the world's largest financial market was
like boarding the fox in the henhouse. It would make more sense to assume
Mellon ran the presidency of the US and Hoover was a hired executioner.
Andrew William Mellon (1855 to 1937) Secretary of the Treasury from (1921
to 1932), Robber baron industrialist concentrated in the financial industry.
Mellon became one of the wealthiest Robber baron's in the United States.
In the 1920s, he paid the third highest income tax behind only John D.
Rockefeller and Henry Ford. President Harding in 1921 appointed Andrew
Mellon Secretary of the Treasury. He served for almost eleven years through
the Coolidge administration, the stock market crash of 1929 and most of
the Hoover administration.
Herbert Clark Hoover (1874 to 1964) was the 31st President of the United
States from (1929 to 1933) and ended up being the most hated man in America.
1891 to 1995 Hoover attended the newly built Stanford University. Stanford
was founded by railroad magnate and eventually major share holder in Standard
Oil, California Governor Leland Stanford. Hoover graduated in 1895 with
a degree in geology. Following graduation Hoover worked in the gold mining
industry throughout the world, and on his return he lectured at Columbia
and Stanford universities. 1909 Hoover published "Principles of Mining",
which became the standard textbook for Mining students.
In 1914 Hoover undertook an unprecedented relief effort to Belgium following
the German invasion and food shortages. This background and Hoovers success
advanced him publicly, later to be appointed by President Woodrow Wilson
to head of the U.S. Food Administration. America entered World War I in
1917 and Hoover alleged "food will win the war." Hoover developed a dietary
pyramid for the war effort so rationing was never enforced. It was called
"Hooverizing", and rationed a weekly menu of meatless Mondays, wheatless
Wednesdays, and "when in doubt, eat potatoes." Hoover continually ordered
not to be named in association with the program, or as a food nutritional
guru. Following WWI, as the head of the American Relief Administration,
Hoover organized food shipments for millions starving in Central Europe
including Germany. 1921 Hoover also brought food relief to twenty million
famine-stricken Bolsheviks in Russia.
In 1927 the Mississippi River flooded, President Coolidge sent Hoover
to mobilize a federal, state and local response. Hoover alternatively
reacted with a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, and boasted that
most of the assistance was provided by private citizens and organizations.
The Mississippi flood brought Herbert Hoover front page news exposure,
and he gained accolades as a humanitarian. Hoovers response was "I suppose
I could have called in the Army to help," he said, "but why should I,
when I only had to call upon Main Street." The media never covered the
fact that food and emergency response never reached the African American
population, their treatment was called inhumane and thousands perished.
In 1929 Hoover was elected to Presidency of the United States and in the
same year 1929 the stock market crashed.
Tent cities began to appear across the country as Tens-of-thousands of
Americans found themselves homeless. The inhabitants grew until they appeared
as small cities and in numerous locations across the country; later to
be called Hoovervilles. The name 'Hooverville was coined by their inhabitants
as a sign of their frustration with the lack of any food relief from the
federal government. This is completely contrary to Hoover's background
and expertise, as a humanitarian and a strategic analyst. Given he organized
a food response to millions throughout Europe and Russia, during and following
WWI. That fact is the same mathematical equations which could statistically
feed millions, theoretically be used to starve a population.
With the complete lack of any emergency response to millions of starving
Americans, Hoover became the most hated man in America. Hoovers train
and motorcades were pelted with eggs and rotten fruit. He was heckled
while speaking, and the Secret Service halted numerous attempts on his
life. The secret service captured one man strapped with dynamite, and
others removing railroad spikes. He lost the election by a huge margin,
winning only 6 out of 48 states. In 1932 thousands of WWI veterans and
their families' setup camp in Washington, D.C.. They called for payment
of a bonus that was promised. Hoover sent U.S. Army forces led by General
Douglas MacArthur and lower ranking officers Dwight D. Eisenhower and
George S. Patton to crush the protesters and burn their camps. During
the election of 1933 Franklin Roosevelt charged that Hoover was personally
responsible for the depression and a man made of jelly.
Section 3
The 1929 stock market crash and Great Depression was a force used to grab
oil rich lands from the homesteaders but also worked to affect the balance
of wealth and make poor people poorer and rich people exceedingly wealthier.
Not on paper, but a depression is an effective mechanism to build long
term value. Understand a market has to go both up and down for large investors
to make money and gain value, (land, business, gold). The larger the market
swings up and down, the greater the opportunity is for the exceedingly
wealthy, to grab more market value. In the 1920s, the first step to starve
farmers off their lands was, Wall Street needed to depress the price of
what the farmers produced, the farm commodities (cotton, wheat and corn).
There is no disputing that the commodities were depressed by Main Street
and only fixed congressionally with the Commodities Exchange Act of 1936.
The last step in creating a Great Depression was to cause the stock market
to crash. The 1929 and 2008 crash are very similar and both involved an
inflated market manipulated by credit.
Inflating the market and causing a retraction requires adding capital
to the market, and this money cannot buy value, or is used to buy false
value. This means that a stock with a value of $10 per share would need
to be speculated up to $20, the difference seen as inflation. Adding false
value into the system is also important to destabilize the market. This
means that the $10 stock cannot be at true value. In 1929 there was more
capital, "free cash" than value to be purchased on the market. The capital
was offered as credit so stock investors could buy what they could not
afford, but could back in loans with a house, property or business. The
affects of driving the stock market up on credit would attract the attention
of speculators noticing the steady market increases. This would motivate
more speculators to drive greater quantities of money, less expendable
savings, into the system that is seeing no increases in value.
Within two years the amount of money in the 1929 stock market nearly doubled,
meaning two times the amount of cash was force into the system, but the
value stayed the same. So the concept is you ride the $10 share up to
$20 and then you have to pull out first and faster than everyone else.
This is a problem for large investors because they have to remove gigantic
quantities of stock and capital in a market that will rapidly deflate.
In 1929 the Robber barons did not mind taking a loss, due to their extensive
reserve capital, the overall plan was to create a depression and gain
the oil rich lands. The philosophy of the 1929 crash is justified because
the effects of a stock market crash would be seen on the poorest, at that
time, this included most of the Great Plain farmers.
The 1929 stock market crash, Savings and Loans crisis of 1980s and 1990s,
dot-com bubble of 2001 and now the 2008 crash were all created so the
exceedingly wealthy can gain market value. There is also a residual benefit
to causing these events because the federal government has to pick up
the tab to stabilize the free market. The S&L crisis cost US tax payers
124 billion and the 2008 crash will cost over 12.8 trillion. The CEOs
of these corporations continue to receive bonuses because this is the
work they were intended to perform. The 2008 stock market crash also involved
inflating the market with a stream of capital. The capital came from retirement
funds, IRAs and 401Ks and later large corporations, banks and insurance
giants were sacrificed to purchase and insure the bad credit. Savings
in retirement funds, IRAs or 401K's are slow moving and will lose more
market value than the faster moving broker accounts and tax free off shore
False value was created very similar to the 1929 crash, the only difference
being, inflated credit was bundled together and sold as value, these were
the subprime loans, balloon mortgages and credit default swaps. The credit
used in 2008 stock market collapse was sourced through house loans which
were overvalued and dispensed to home purchasers speculating that the
market would continue to rise. The real estate industry that represents,
values, sells and finances homes, increases profits as the home prices
rise. The industry works on the buyer's at the psychological level to
move prices up and create a rush. The newly created and extremely popular
home make over shows had a drastic and significant influence to stimulate
buyers to invest beyond value and ability.
As the market raised chaotically greater quantities of "less" expendable
savings would be speculated into the system. Speculators included the
group of people purchasing mortgage loans they could not afford, were
poorly financed and included a ballooning payments scheme; these are the
subprime loans. When house prices climbed over the reasonable limits,
houses were then sold credit only, called interest only loans, with the
owners never having any vested ownership in the home. These inflated house
prices were backed by the recent changes in the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention
and Consumer Protection Act of 2005, which most importantly eliminated
writing off, the liability to inflated home prices. Any devalued house
"value" would default the bankrupt owner into Chapter 13 bankruptcy not
Chapter 11 and require repayment of the inflated loss; the speculative
debt. This directs the liability of the inflated house prices on the buyer,
not the market which actually represents, values, finances and sells these
All three organizations Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae actively
repackage and sell mortgages as mortgage-backed securities, the US federal
government guarantees timely payment of principal and interest on these
loans. Private firms and banks, like Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers and
General motors', also packaged and sell mortgage securities but without
implicit government guarantees, unlike Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie
Mae. The packaged bonds can then be sold to investors on the stock market,
mutual or hedge funds. American International Group Inc's (AIG) sold insurance
to guaranty these mortgages, the difference between the purchased value
and the current market price, a speculative debt. This is called a Credit
Default Swap invented in 1997 by a team working for JPMorgan Chase. Countrywide
Financial Corp was the largest subprime "junk" mortgage generator, these
are risky investments when bundled and were never intended to be backed
by the federal government. Most of the 12.8 trillion dollars will be spent
to back these risky subprime loans as a government secured investment.
The American tax payer will be securing the riskiest investments on Wall
Street for the world's population.
The value of the houses and infrastructure built prior to the 2008 crash
was also greatly exacerbated. These houses were rapidly built, not to
building codes, with the cheapest foreign materials by a migrant work
force that was over worked and under paid. Let's also mention that these
workers had minimal education and most were not even able to read the
directions of the material they were installing. Also if bad materials
showed up at the work site; like formaldehyde permeating drywall, a day
laborer will likely install these products. A worker that could never
afford a home will also tend to cut corners and the finished product is
not the true engineered value. Implementing a day laborer migrant work
force removes value. Building false value into a market designed to trade
value is the key to crashing or swinging an open market.
The 2008 stock market crash involved the removal of so much cash by the
upper class wealthy that large corporations, banks and insurance agencies
had to be used to buy these risky subprime loans and credit default swaps,
from the CEOs personal accounts. In order for wealthy people to ride the
risky investments up and purge the investments requires new investors,
to purchase what no one is interested in buying. This is a method wealthy
CEOs could remove their personal investments out of the risky junk bonds.
The corporations they managed or investment houses that managed large
retirement funds, were used to purchase these bad stocks from their personal
accounts. The wealthiest people are the CEOs of the corporations, banks,
investment houses and insurance agencies but have little long-term responsibility
in keeping their jobs, managing a prosperous corporation or being prosecuted
from the world's puppet governments or held liability by the poorly educated
population. What comes out of the 2008 stock market crash can only be
interpreted from past events, patterns and the prices paid in blood, sweat
and tears.
Section 4
Historically, the Dust Bowl can be extracted by an accounting of important
events and in recreating the timeline over the last 250 years. 1789 the
French Revolution arose over bread prices, for grain crops had reached
record levels driving a hungry mob to attack the gates of Paris. 1812
the cold climate stopped Napoleon Bonaparte from liberating Russia's lowest
social class called the serfs, considered an enslaved population. 1816,
was the Year "Without a Summer" following the April 5, 1815 volcanic eruptions
of Mount Tambora. 1840 European Potato Famine caused by potato blight
in Northern Europe, is a sign of large scale climate change. When climate
change occurs, its effects can be first seen in the most fragile ecosystems
and these are agricultural lands with the one plant type, termed the uni-ecosystem.
One million Irish died and more than two million northern Europeans.
Similar to the United States, the Asian continent and northern Europe
also contain vast Grain Belts, left by retracting glaciers. 1917 communist
revolution in Russia was caused by the sudden decrease in agricultural
productivity of the Grain Belts and the extreme detachment between the
ruling class, the Russian Tzar and the malnourished population. Exploring
the Russian communist flag will reveal a sickle, which is a farm tool
used in harvesting grain crops. The sickle was used to reap the grain,
and to gather the crops into bushels, so they can be later thrashed and
winnowed. 1920s and 1930s China's Communist revolution led by Mao Zedong,
was also caused by the same effects of a cooling climate, some 40 million
Chinese died of starvation during this time period. Their leaders failed
to respond to the changing environment and develop an agricultural plan
to feed their population. China is currently the largest producer, consumer
and importer of grain crops.
The other associated effect of a large malnourished population is that
poor nutrition makes the human body weak and highly susceptible to common
diseases, colds and flues. 1918 flu pandemic (commonly referred to as
the Spanish flu) killed anywhere from 20 to 100 million people worldwide.
Exploring the last 250 years of science, human history and earth's climate
record will show that the Spanish flu was not produced by the strength
of the influenza, but by the weakness of the world's malnourished population.
This was due to the changes in the world's food production caused by global
cooling. 1941 German invasion of Russia was abandoned due to the early,
cold winter. The 1950 Korean War broke out when Chinese troops along with
Communist North Korea divisions broke through the 38th parallel. In 1975
the Communists won Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos after America withdrew.
This gave Communist China open trade access to warmer agricultural lands
needed to feed their expanding population.
The Cold war, which ended in 1991 was not fought over political ideology
but a posturing of arms, for one purpose, to protect the American Grain
Belts. America and Canada together are the largest exporter of grain crops.
Unlike Russia and China, the American government constructed wind barriers
called the "Shelter Belt Project" to slow the surface winds. In addition
they installed an industrial irrigation infrastructure, throughout the
west which included the Hoover dam to rehabilitate the American Grain
Belt. Shipments of grain crops were sent to Russia and China throughout
the Cold War to prevent further invasions into Southeast Asia. The Cold
War ended when the Asian continent's grain production could feed their
population. China's government is currently building the Three Gorge Dam,
not only to produce energy but also to irrigate vast agricultural lands
to prevent a second Dust Bowl.
Section 5
Geographically, Earth's landmasses are mostly in northern latitudes and
not along the warmer equatorial region. This makes a Global Cooling event
more catastrophic on earth's population than a Global Warming event. Considering
that warmer earth would open more farm lands for production and extend
the length of the growing season. The northern regions of earth actually
have the best crop lands, because glacial growth and retraction, have
deposited minerals which make the soil extremely fertile. When most good
soil has a 6 to 12 inch topsoil, the Grain Belts in northern regions have
up to, 6 feet of mineral rich productive topsoil. The Grain Belts are
an agricultural factory and managed correctly can keep earth warm, wet
and feed the population nearly indefinitely.
The land masses in the hot equatorial regions include small islands, rainforests
and the world's largest desert; the Sahara Desert in Northern Africa.
The equatorial islands are over populated and require food shipments to
sustain their population. The Rainforests have leached soils, low in both
nutrients and minerals. The only way to agriculturally develop Rainforest
land is through the Slash-and-Burn method. Slash-and-Burn renders the
burned trees into the soil to act as nutrients, forcing the soil to be
agriculturally productive. This method of farming is only fruitful for
a few years and then the land becomes completely infertile for generations.
Deserts are a lost ecosystem because they reflect the suns energy, assist
in cooling earth's climate and cannot support a large and rich biological
population. A desert is created when wind or water erosion removes the
topsoil; the physical process can be seen in a Dust Bowl event.
Most of earth's 6 billion inhabitants rely either directly or indirectly
on the productivity of the Grain Belts from the northern latitudes. During
the 1920s and 30s this Grain Belt was nearly lost to the effects of the
global cooling event and the natural extraction of moisture, creating
the Dust Bowl. The Global warming promoters, including their spokes person
Al Gore and the movie Inconvenient Truth, evaluate temperature records
over the last 250 years. These promoters fail to assess a mini ice age
event which ended 250 years ago and the fact that, 1,000 years ago Greenland
was, green, warm, and not an icy tundra. When comparing the last 250 years
of earth's climate to 1,000 years ago when the Vikings populated Greenland,
earth continues to experience an altering, and cooling climate. In reality,
earth has only recently and marginally recovered from a cooling climate
at the end of the Cold War.
Media created in the memory of the 7.5 million of the American Holocaust.
All proceeds and donations go to creating a museum to remember the victims
of the Dust Bowl. The curators to be chosen by randomly selected US citizens
not members or have any relations to members of secret organizations or
Referenced material
Boris Borisov article by Dmitriy Lyskov
The www.H2onE2.com book- Copyright © 2007 by B Billy Marse
Glacial Respiration, Conceptual Ring of Ice, The End of Linear Western
Religion, A Geological Exploration of an E2 Earthen Planet And the
H2 Human Species, Author: B Billy Marse, Professional Geologist
ISBN 13: 978-0-615-15819-8 Library of Congress Control Number: 2007935751
Copy Sent to: Library of Congress Library of Congress
Cataloging in Publication Division CIP 20540-4320
-Encyclopedia of the Great Plains-
Rev. ed. of: Oklahoma history / Victor E. Harlow. 5th ed. 1967.